Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Scrapbook ideas

These are 7 scrapbooking ideas you can use the next time you start a new scrapbook.
1. Use quotes Everybody talks a lot and some times they say something worth remembering because it's so funny or wise.These things are perfect to use when scrapbooking, just use the quotation marks and put whatever the personsaid in between the quotation marks. Then add a little curved line (or a straight one) and put the persons nameright there. Children in specific can say such funny things, it's surely worth putting those in scrapbooks.
2. Make a scrapbook about the current season Fall in particular is a beautiful season that can result in wonderful scrapbooks. But summer, spring and wintercan also trigger some neat scrapbooking ideas.
3. Let your little kid scrapbook as a way of keeping a journalThis is something I see that is happening more and more. People show their children how to scrapbook and let their children know they can scrapbook their life like this as a way of journaling.This is a great way to help your children become even more creative and will produce some beautifulscrapbooks you'll want to save for the rest of your life.
4. Easter egg finding scrapbook When your kids go easter egg searching throughout the house you can make take picture of them doing itand you can take pictures of you planting the eggs. That could make for a very funny and lightheartedscrapbook. Scrapbooking ideas like this one can make events like this even more fun (especially for the parents).
5 Consider using wood If for some reason you're getting bored with the traditional scrapbooks of paper, you can make one out ofwood. You could carve out the objects you want to use or have it carved out for you. You could then go on andpaint the entire thing in beautiful colours.
6 First day of school Consider scrapbooking your childs first day of school, especially at kinder garten when you can take picturesand you'll remember that day for the rest of your life, as well as you'll be able to show your children (when they grow up) their very first day of school.
7. Christmas scrapbooking Take pictures of the christmas tree, the presents and the meals and the kids unwrapping their presents.This will make for a nice little project you can do with your kids and or spouse when the weather is really badafter christmas.Scrapbooking ideas will jump into your mind when you're least expecting it, but when they do. Write them down.

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